8 TO 10 POUNDS PER 1000 SQ. FT.
Endurance lawn mix gives you exactly what the name says – a lawn that will endure. We have added enough perennial rye to give you that fast start, tall fescue to keep your lawn green when others have gone dormant and Kentucky bluegrass to help fill in and give you that dense full lawn. Tall fescue blades are slightly wider than perennial rye or Kentucky bluegrass but will blend in nicely if you keep the seeding rate at recommended levels. Tall fescue has a much deeper root system that keeps it green during drought stress, requiring less water and fertility. It will tolerate shade and is widely used for athletic areas. Endurance lawn mix should be planted in spring or very early fall to allow tall fescue to develop root system before winter.
70% Fine Leaf Turf Type Tall Fescue
10% Kentucky Bluegrass
10% Fine Leaf Perennial Rye
10% Creeping Red Fescue