Mustang Seeds

1021 SW 10th Street
PO Box 466
Madison SD 57042

P: 605-256-6529
F: 605-256-6521


Developed by the North Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station (NDAES) in cooperation with USDA and released in June 2001. Resulted from the cross ND880922/IAB605X. Morton is medium-late in maturity being similar to Troy and two days later than Jerry. The variety has high test weight with groat percent slightly higher than Jerry. Kernels are uniform and large in size with white hulls. Protein percent is similar to Jerry. Morton is a tall oat with good straw strength. The variety is resistant to smut, moderately resistant to stem rust, crown rust and is moderately susceptible to BYDV. Protected under the U.S. PVP Act.