Mustang Graze is an annual forage plant for silage, grazing, cover crop or green chopping. It has excellent early growth and grows very tall. The tonnage is extremely high and is very palatable. It can be planted either in rows, drilled or broadcast. Seeding should be at 10 to 12 pounds per acre in rows or 20 to 30 pounds per acre broadcast. It is very sweet juicy and leafy. The heavier the planting, the finer the stems will be. For pasture uses, a rotating system is suggested. Ideal grazing height is 24 to 36 inches. Normal grazing precautions should be observed. Before green chopping, the plants should reach a height of 24 to 36 inches. Usually Mustang Graze will yield 3 to 6 cuttings depending on planting time, moisture and temperatures. For hay, the plants should reach boot stage and ideally be followed by a conditioner after cutting. Recommended usage: silage crops where it is not practical to use corn, such as when circumstances require a fast-growing crop for late or delayed re-planting. Planting should be delayed until the soil is warm enough to germinate seed (60 to 70 degrees).