Mustang Seeds

1021 SW 10th Street
PO Box 466
Madison SD 57042

P: 605-256-6529
F: 605-256-6521


Reed Canarygrass is a tall, course, bigious, long live perennial that grows to a height of from 2 to 8 feet. It spreads by short, scaly underground rhizomes that form a heavy sod in well managed solid seedings. It is adapted for permanent pastures on poorly drained, wet areas. Reed Canarygrass is very tolerant to flooding, even for several weeks duration. It can be used for pasture, hay or silage. Hay quality may be improved by early spring pasturing to delay maturity, thus reducing the coarseness of the growth. Although this grass grows best on moist, cool sights, it makes excellent growth on upland soils. One of the earliest grasses to begin growth in the spring, it produces large yields of nutritious forage. Reed Canary is an excellent waterway grass because of its tolerance to waterlogged situations and should be considered a first choice under these conditions.